
Using oc adm must-gather

The oc adm must-gather is the preferred way to collect a support bundle and provide debugging information to Red Hat support.


export MUST_GATHER_IMAGE=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-kmm kmm-operator-controller -ojsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?("manager")].env[?("RELATED_IMAGE_MUST_GATHER")].value}')
oc adm must-gather --image="${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE}" -- /usr/bin/gather

For KMM-Hub

export MUST_GATHER_IMAGE=$(oc get deployment -n openshift-kmm-hub kmm-operator-hub-controller -ojsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?("manager")].env[?("RELATED_IMAGE_MUST_GATHER")].value}')
oc adm must-gather --image="${MUST_GATHER_IMAGE}" -- /usr/bin/gather -u

Different namespace

Use the -n NAMESPACE switch to specify a namespace if you installed KMM in a custom namespace.

Reading operator logs

Component Command
KMM oc logs -fn openshift-kmm deployments/kmm-operator-controller
KMM-Hub oc logs -fn openshift-kmm-hub deployments/kmm-operator-hub-controller

Observing events

Build & Sign

KMM publishes events whenever it starts a kmod image build or observes its outcome.
Those events are attached to Module objects and are available at the very end of kubectl describe module:

$> kubectl describe kmm-ci-a
  Type    Reason          Age                From  Message
  ----    ------          ----               ----  -------
  Normal  BuildCreated    2m29s              kmm   Build created for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64
  Normal  BuildSucceeded  63s                kmm   Build job succeeded for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64
  Normal  SignCreated     64s (x2 over 64s)  kmm   Sign created for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64
  Normal  SignSucceeded   57s                kmm   Sign job succeeded for kernel 6.6.2-201.fc39.x86_64

Module load or unload

KMM publishes events whenever it successfully loads or unloads a kernel module on a node.
Those events are attached to Node objects and are available at the very end of kubectl describe node:

$> kubectl describe node my-node
  Type    Reason          Age    From  Message
  ----    ------          ----   ----  -------
  Normal  ModuleLoaded    4m17s  kmm   Module default/kmm-ci-a loaded into the kernel
  Normal  ModuleUnloaded  2s     kmm   Module default/kmm-ci-a unloaded from the kernel