Preflight validation for Modules

Before executing upgrade on the cluster with applied KMM Modules, admin needs to verify that installed kernel modules (via KMM) will be able to be installed on the nodes after the cluster upgrade and possible kernel upgrade. Preflight will try to validate every Module loaded in the cluster, in parallel (it does not wait for validation of one Module to complete, before starting validation of another Module).

Validation kick-off

Preflight validation is triggered by creating a PreflightValidationOCP resource in the cluster. This Spec contains two fields:

type PreflightValidationOCPSpec struct {
    // releaseImage describes the OCP release image that all Modules need to be checked against.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    ReleaseImage string `json:"releaseImage"`

    // Boolean flag that determines whether images build during preflight must also
    // be pushed to a defined repository
    // +optional
    PushBuiltImage bool `json:"pushBuiltImage"`
  1. ReleaseImage - the name of the release image for the OpenShift Container Platform version the cluster will be upgraded to. Mandatory field.
  2. PushBuiltImage - if true, then the images created during the Build and Sign validation will be pushed to their repositories (false by default).

Validation lifecycle

Preflight validation will try to validate every module loaded in the cluster. Preflight will stop running validation on a Module, once its validation is successful. In case module validation has failed, admin can change the module definitions, and Preflight will try to validate the module again in the next loop. If admin want to run Preflight validation for additional kernel, then another PreflightValidationOCP resource should be created. Once all the modules have been validated, it is recommended to delete the PreflightValidationOCP resource.

Validation status

Preflight will report that status and progress of each module in the cluster that it tries/tried to validate.

type CRStatus struct {
    // Status of Module CR verification: true (verified), false (verification failed),
    // error (error during verification process), unknown (verification has not started yet)
    // +required
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=True;False
    VerificationStatus string `json:"verificationStatus"`

    // StatusReason contains a string describing the status source.
    // +optional
    StatusReason string `json:"statusReason,omitempty"`

    // Current stage of the verification process:
    // image (image existence verification), build(build process verification)
    // +required
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Image;Build;Sign;Requeued;Done
    VerificationStage string `json:"verificationStage"`

    // LastTransitionTime is the last time the CR status transitioned from one status to another.
    // This should be when the underlying status changed.  If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable.
    // +required
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Required
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Type=string
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Format=date-time
    LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime" protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=lastTransitionTime"`

For each module, you will find the following fields:

  1. Verification status - true or false, validated or not
  2. Status reason - verbal explanation regarding the status. Why it is not validated, etc'
  3. Verification stage - describe the validation stage being executed (Image, Build, Sign)
  4. Last transition time - the time of the last update to the status

Preflight validation stages per Module

On every KMM Module present in the cluster, preflight will run the following validations:

  1. Image validation
  2. Build validation
  3. Sign validation

Image validation stage

Image validation is always the first stage of the preflight validation that is being executed. In case image validation is successful, no other validations will be run on that specific module. Image validation consists of 2 stages:

  1. image existence and accessibility. The code tries to access the image defined for the upgraded kernel in the module, and get its manifests.
  2. verify the presence of the kernel module defined in the Module in the correct path for future modprobe execution. If this validation is successful, it probably means that the kernel module was compiled with the correct linux headers. The correct path is <DirName>/lib/modules/<UpgradedKernel>/.

Build validation stage

Build validation is executed only in case image validation has failed, and there is a build section in the Module that is relevant for the upgraded kernel. Build validation will try to run build job and validate that it finishes successfully. If the PushBuiltImage flag is defined in the PreflightValidationOCP CR, it will also try to push the resulting image into its repo. The resulting image name is taken from the definition of the containerImage field of the Module CR.


If the sign section is defined for the upgraded kernel, then the resulting image will not be containerImage field of the Module CR, but a temporary image name, since the resulting image should be the product of Sign flow.

Sign validation stage

Sign validation is executed only in case image validation has failed, there is a sign section in the Module that is relevant for the upgrade kernel, and build validation finished successfully in case there was a build section in the Module relevant for the upgraded kernel. Sign validation will try to run the sign job and validate that it finishes successfully. In case the PushBuiltImage flag is defined in the PreflightValidationOCP CR, it will also try to push the resulting image to its registry. The result image is always the image defined in the ContainerImage field of the Module. The input image is either the output of the Build stage, or an image defined in the UnsignedImage field.


In case a build section exists, the sign section input image is the build section's output image. Therefore, in order for the input image to be available for the sign section, the PushBuiltImage flag must be defined in the PreflightValidationOCP CR.

Example CR

Below is an example of the PreflightValidationOCP resource in the YAML format. In the example, we want to verify all the currently present modules against the upcoming kernel version including in the OCP release 4.11.18, which release image points to. .spec.pushBuiltImage is true, so KMM will push the resulting images of Build/Sign into the defined repositories.

kind: PreflightValidationOCP
  name: preflight
  pushBuiltImage: true